This stove im no longer carrying, i left it in Bali, it served me well during some months, the pot i got for under a dollar in Fiji the stove is made from two beer cans and is used with methylated spirits. It worked O.K, not more than O.K.. Decided to leave it cause its so easy to find food in Indonesia, and cheap. It wasn't so much the stove but to carry the fuel with me, to much weight.
Aluminum foil as a windshield worked well. Everything fits nice and well. Small and light. The little soya sauce plastic thing i must picked up in sushi place in Australia. Right picture shows everything on the left picture + ziplock bag with couscous.
I changed the left tent for the right one. The left one is called Black Wolf and an Australian made tent(made in china?) It was a gift from Ben from France, he gave it to me in Cairns but now ive decided to give it away and change it for the smaller, lighter, definitely worse quality one from Indonesia (150 000 rupiah=$16.9) The Black wolf is an excellent tent but to heavy and big for one person. I don't use tent often here in Indonesia, either i get hosted by people or sleep outside without tent(rainy season is about to start, ha ha ha ha)
This would be my fourth tent since i left Sweden, the first one, from LIDL for about $10. Quite heavy but served me well. Gave it to my friend in Martinique. Found my second tent amongst junk on the beach in Martinique, fixed it up a bit,(Actually the same design exactly as this new Indonesian one), Great tent but in Australia water started leaking in when it rained(from the ground and the ceiling). Gave it to Italian friend in Cairns.(lets hope it wont rain when he uses it)
My backpack still going strong with few repairs, North Face 45 l.
As for me im still in Yogyakarta.. :)